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EZ Melts Health Blog

Which B Vitamins Do You Really Need and Why?

Which B Vitamins Do You Really Need and Why?
Reading Time: 3 minutes B vitamins play crucial roles in keeping our bodies running smoothly, from helping convert food into energy to supporting ...

What is Riboflavin?

What is Riboflavin?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Welcome to the world of riboflavin, otherwise known as B2, an essential nutrient that has been dubbed the "energy vitamin"...

Your Simple Guide to Vitamin Bs

Your Simple Guide to Vitamin Bs
Reading Time: 4 minutes There are eight B vitamins to keep track of, and all of them are crucial to your metabolism, energy levels, brain function,...

Four Ideas for a Non-Caffeine Energy Boost

Four Ideas for a Non-Caffeine Energy Boost
Read Time: 4 minutes Feeling run down and out of energy around this time of year? You're not alone. A lot of people feel this way, especially in t...

How to Break Bad Habits Easier

How to Break Bad Habits Easier
Read Time: 4 minutes  Do you have bad habits that you'd like to break? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with habits they wish they cou...

Bs are for Blood Health

Bs are for Blood Health
When you think about your physical health, how often does taking care of your blood come to mind?  We never talk about it! Taking care of our bones...

Senior Health & Fitness Day

Senior Health & Fitness Day
Read Time: 3 minutes You don’t have to be an influencer or a young adult to reap the benefits of regular physical activity. Regardless of whether y...

What is Folate and Why is it Important

What is Folate and Why is it Important
Read time: 3 minutes   Grow your own DNA! Folate, or folic acid, is also known as vitamin B9. It is a nutrient found in food and supplements that ...

4 B1 Benefits & Deficiency Signs

Foods high in vitamin B1, benefits of B1.
Read time: 3 minutes Vitamin B1 is also called thiamine. It is vital for so many processes in your body you can’t survive without! When taken in p...

Beriberi Sounds Nice, But It Isn’t...and You Could Have It Without This

Beriberi Sounds Nice, But It Isn’t...and You Could Have It Without This
Beriberi...doesn’t it sound like a lush vacation spot? Unfortunately, it isn’t. It’s a serious condition people can develop when they are vitamin B...

You Might be B12 Deficient and Not Know It!

You Might be B12 Deficient and Not Know It!
In our previous article, we discussed B-Complex and all eight essential Bs. But one of these is so critical to our blood, our nervous system, our ...

Surprising Links Between B-Complex and the Brain, Immune System, and Metabolism

Surprising Links Between B-Complex and the Brain, Immune System, and Metabolism
Are you an only child? Well, vitamin B-complex certainly isn’t! Vitamin B has a ton of siblings (eight essential ones to be exact), and it’s hard ...